
Author(s) Article Pages
Mo Tran Thi, Thu Thi Minh Vu, Oanh Thi Kim Dam and Dung Duc Nguyen The Effect of Firm-specific Information Risk on the Cost of Capital, the Moderating Role of Audit Quality 7-18
Nguyen Ngoc Thach Disaggregated Effects of Energy Use on Growth: A Monte Carlo Algorithm for EMDEs 19-29
Phan Thi Linh Risk Management Affecting Green Credit Development: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in Vietnam 31-42
Milena Otavová, Jana Blazková, Iva Hasíková and Jana Gláserová Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Pension Systems 43-56
Ayman Sadik Al Najjar Insight into Banking Sector Performance in Jordan – a Quantitative Study for the Period 2011-2021 57-66
Nawang Kalbuana, Muhamad Taqi, Lia Uzliawati and Munawar Muchlish Enhancing Audit Quality Dynamics: Unveiling the Impact of Profitability, Audit Report Lag, Audit Tenure, and Auditee Company Size 67-77
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mater, Mohammed Galal Abdallah Mostafa, Nabil Medhat Arafat Mahmoud and Hamdy Ahmad Aly Alhendawy Using Machine Learning Algorithms and the ARIMA Model to Predict and Recognize the Determinants of External Debts to Egypt 79-90
Naser Abdelkarim and Zahran Daraghma Leadership skills Creating Performance: Evidence from Palestine Exchange 91-106
Lenka Malická Breaking Glass Ceilings in a Dynamic Era of Increasing Public Debts 107-121
Ahmed Alouani, Mohamed Mabrouki and Chedia Karoui The Swedish Economy is Doing Well Thanks to Innovation: an Analysis from ARDL Approach 123-136
Tatyana Pupysheva, Mukhtarima Zhetpisbayeva, Gaukhar Koshebayeva, Zulfiya Magrupova, Lyussiya Togaibayeva and Valeriy Biryukov Financial Self-sufficiency of Rural Budgets as the Basis of Local Self-government 137-156
Saltanat Suieubayeva, Baglan Aimurzina, Mazken Kamenova, Ainur Karipova, Marina Kozlova and Assel Sadenova Activating the Social Responsibility of Business Structures in the Context of Transition 4.0 as a Condition for Effective Economic Management 157-168
Lenka Stofejova, Beata Gavurova, Stefan Kral, Radovan Bacik and Richard Fedorko Gender Differences in Environmentally Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in the Context of Electronic Commerce 169-178
Bayan Doskalieva, Nurzhan Kenzhebekov, Anton Kurilkin, Tatyana Pupysheva, Yevgeniya Puntus and Valeriy Biryukov Prospects for the Integration of the Kazakhstan Economy Into the Global Value Chain 179-192
Truong Cong Bac Decoding the Drivers of Structural Change: Novel Insights from Spatial Panel Data Modeling 193-203
Husnah Husnah, Djayani Nurdin, Muhamad Yunus Kasim, Mohamad Nofal and Munawarah Munawarah Analysis of the Financial Performance of Micro Enterprises "Lalampa Toboli" Based on Resource-Based View (RBV) 205-219
Milica Delibasic, Justas Streimikis, Niksa Grgurevic, Yuriy Bilan and Laszlo Vasa The Impact of “Neoliberal Culture” on Economic Development in the SEE Countries 221-232
Kalamkas Rakhimzhanova, Zhuldyzay Zhorabayeva, Ruslana Ichshanova, Zagira Iskakova, Gaukhar Kodasheva and Galina Mikhailova Improving the Mechanism for Managing Problematic Loans from Second-Tier Banks 233-244
Dametken Turekulova, Berik Beisengaliyev, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Arailym Sakenqyzy, Bakhytgul Chereyeva and Assiya Turekulova Innovative Activity and Efficient Use of Human Resources as Factors of Competitiveness of Companies 245-256
Aizhan Iskakova, Nurilya Kuchukova, Arstan Akhpanov, Natalya Sidorova, Larissa Kussainova and Ainura Omarova Innovative Approaches to Financial Sustainability and Ensuring Access to Justice for the Population Using Artificial Intelligence Tools 257-270