Mo Tran Thi, Thu Thi Minh Vu, Oanh Thi Kim Dam and Dung Duc Nguyen |
The Effect of Firm-specific Information Risk on the Cost of Capital, the Moderating Role of Audit Quality |
7-18 |
Nguyen Ngoc Thach |
Disaggregated Effects of Energy Use on Growth: A Monte Carlo Algorithm for EMDEs |
19-29 |
Phan Thi Linh |
Risk Management Affecting Green Credit Development: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in Vietnam |
31-42 |
Milena Otavová, Jana Blazková, Iva Hasíková and Jana Gláserová |
Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Pension Systems |
43-56 |
Ayman Sadik Al Najjar |
Insight into Banking Sector Performance in Jordan – a Quantitative Study for the Period 2011-2021 |
57-66 |
Nawang Kalbuana, Muhamad Taqi, Lia Uzliawati and Munawar Muchlish |
Enhancing Audit Quality Dynamics: Unveiling the Impact of Profitability, Audit Report Lag, Audit Tenure, and Auditee Company Size |
67-77 |
Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Mater, Mohammed Galal Abdallah Mostafa, Nabil Medhat Arafat Mahmoud and Hamdy Ahmad Aly Alhendawy |
Using Machine Learning Algorithms and the ARIMA Model to Predict and Recognize the Determinants of External Debts to Egypt |
79-90 |
Naser Abdelkarim and Zahran Daraghma |
Leadership skills Creating Performance: Evidence from Palestine Exchange |
91-106 |
Lenka Malická |
Breaking Glass Ceilings in a Dynamic Era of Increasing Public Debts |
107-121 |
Ahmed Alouani, Mohamed Mabrouki and Chedia Karoui |
The Swedish Economy is Doing Well Thanks to Innovation: an Analysis from ARDL Approach |
123-136 |
Tatyana Pupysheva, Mukhtarima Zhetpisbayeva, Gaukhar Koshebayeva, Zulfiya Magrupova, Lyussiya Togaibayeva and Valeriy Biryukov |
Financial Self-sufficiency of Rural Budgets as the Basis of Local Self-government |
137-156 |
Saltanat Suieubayeva, Baglan Aimurzina, Mazken Kamenova, Ainur Karipova, Marina Kozlova and Assel Sadenova |
Activating the Social Responsibility of Business Structures in the Context of Transition 4.0 as a Condition for Effective Economic Management |
157-168 |
Lenka Stofejova, Beata Gavurova, Stefan Kral, Radovan Bacik and Richard Fedorko |
Gender Differences in Environmentally Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in the Context of Electronic Commerce |
169-178 |
Bayan Doskalieva, Nurzhan Kenzhebekov, Anton Kurilkin, Tatyana Pupysheva, Yevgeniya Puntus and Valeriy Biryukov |
Prospects for the Integration of the Kazakhstan Economy Into the Global Value Chain |
179-192 |
Truong Cong Bac |
Decoding the Drivers of Structural Change: Novel Insights from Spatial Panel Data Modeling |
193-203 |
Husnah Husnah, Djayani Nurdin, Muhamad Yunus Kasim, Mohamad Nofal and Munawarah Munawarah |
Analysis of the Financial Performance of Micro Enterprises "Lalampa Toboli" Based on Resource-Based View (RBV) |
205-219 |
Milica Delibasic, Justas Streimikis, Niksa Grgurevic, Yuriy Bilan and Laszlo Vasa |
The Impact of “Neoliberal Culture” on Economic Development in the SEE Countries |
221-232 |
Kalamkas Rakhimzhanova, Zhuldyzay Zhorabayeva, Ruslana Ichshanova, Zagira Iskakova, Gaukhar Kodasheva and Galina Mikhailova |
Improving the Mechanism for Managing Problematic Loans from Second-Tier Banks |
233-244 |
Dametken Turekulova, Berik Beisengaliyev, Gaukhar Saimagambetova, Arailym Sakenqyzy, Bakhytgul Chereyeva and Assiya Turekulova |
Innovative Activity and Efficient Use of Human Resources as Factors of Competitiveness of Companies |
245-256 |
Aizhan Iskakova, Nurilya Kuchukova, Arstan Akhpanov, Natalya Sidorova, Larissa Kussainova and Ainura Omarova |
Innovative Approaches to Financial Sustainability and Ensuring Access to Justice for the Population Using Artificial Intelligence Tools |
257-270 |