
Author(s) Article Pages
Yurij Gavrilic and Yurij Ofman Modeling the Inter-Regional Market Acting Independently of the Labor Resources Interchange 7-15
Milenko Popovic Education, Economic Growth and Efficiency of Investment In Education in Montenegro 17-46
Veselin Draskovic and Mimo Draskovic Priority of the Anti-Crisis Economic Policy Based on Innovative-Institutional Changes 47-52
Zoran Bogetic and Slobodan Acimovic ECR Strategy - Concept and Tools for Times of Economic Recession 53-63
Martina Basarac Estimation Methods and Predictive Possibilities of Core Inflation: the Case of Croatia 65-76
Roman Kachalov Industrial Enterprises under Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk: Empirical Investigation in Russia at 2005-2007 77-80
Dragoljub Jankovic Aplication of the Capm for Pricing the Assets at Montenegrin Capital Market 81-94
Slobodan Lakic Institutions of the New Financial Architecture: Hedge Funds 95-109
Radislav Jovovic The Role of Learnig Organization for Knowlede Creation 111-117
Marko Malovic International Financial Crisis, G-20 and Global Policy Response 119-127
Milovan Grdinic Valutation Fleet 129-137
Drago Pupavac Feeder Service and Block Trains –the Vital Links to Promote Rijeka's Transport Route 139-144
Mimo Draskovic The Role of Logistics in Performance Management 145-151
Vinko Nikic Free Zones as Development Opportunity of Montenegro on Transition Process 153-157
Albina Kecman Susnjar Tender Privatization in Republic of Serbia Sale Procedure and Results 159-169