"Montenegrin Journal of Economics" is an international scientific periodical, issued by NGO “Economic Laboratory for Transition Research” (ELIT) Podgorica, Montenegro
The journal publishes theoretical, empirical and applicative articles from all the areas of Economics. The journal is issued quarterly - January, April, July and November. The format is print and online. The language of publication is English. Articles submitted to the Editorial Board should cover the journal’s subject area, be signed by the author (co-authors) with their forename and surname, scientific grade, affiliation and position held, telephone and email address. We kindly invite interested authors who wish to publish their works in this periodical, to forward their material in digital form to the Editorial Board address (email: vesodraskovic@gmail.com), according to the following instructions.
JEL classification is proposed by the author in accordance with the Journal of Economic Literature classification, available on the website address: http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.html. The author is responsible for ensuring the authenticity of data, facts, quotations and other information. The Editorial Boards may publish articles for discussion, without necessarily sharing the author’s views. It is strongly recommended sending articles in the English language. Authors from Montenegro and surrounding countries should submit articles both in English and mother tongue.
The editors have no obligation to review papers that have not been technically and methodologically prepared in accordance with the Author guidelines. If the paper is returned for partial revision, the authors are obliged to comply with the Author guidelines, otherwise the paper will also be rejected.
The structure of the article should comprise: the title, abstract, key words, introduction, subtitles, conclusion and bibliography. Common subtitles are: introduction, literature review (theoretical framework), methodology (research methods, data, research model), data and sources, an empirical result (empirical findings), discussion, and conclusion. In writing their articles, the authors should apply the scientific methodology standard for scientific publications.
The abstract (150-200 words) needs to disclose the main idea of the paper and your research results. The abstract must include sufficient information for readers to judge the nature and significance of the topic. It should summarize the objectives of the article, methodology, results and conclusions. In order to increase the visibility of the article, the abstract should reiterate key words and phrases while avoiding unnecessary repetition. Literature is to be arranged in alphabetic order of authors and chronologically for the articles of the same author. Literature is to be quoted according to the examples for books, magazines and other sources.
Regarding the originality of the papers we bring to your attention the following: Our journal is consistent with the principles governing the intellectual property rights, discouraging any attempt of plagiarism, regardless of its forms – involuntary, self-plagiarism, voluntary misappropriation of other people’s ideas etc. The author must take appropriate measures to avoid any of these situations regardless of the nature and gravity. Please note that for checking the articles received, we are running a specialized anti-plagiarism software used by other prestigious institutions. The maximum percentage of plagiarism allowed by Montenegrin Journal of Economics is 10%. To ensure the objectivity of the results we exclude the references, the title and the author names when checking the text. The editor reserves the right to reject the article from the beginning and to refuse to publish future articles from the authors who have committed plagiarism.
All other articles will be internationally and anonymously reviewed in three places. The authors’ names are anonymous to the reviewers. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the submitted article has not been published earlier and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The Editorial Board retains the right to methodologically adjust the article to the journal propositions and standards of the English language, as well as not to consider articles which do not meet the requirements of these guidelines.
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. "Montenegrin Journal of Economics" would like to invite academics, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners to submit original articles to be considered for publication.
Due to possible technical errors (e.g. the absence of articles in the intended number and their indexing, missing parts of the text) as well as their timely correction, authors are requested to regularly check the previous issues on our site, both the indexed issues and the issues attached in the "next issues" column.

ELIT is pleased to announce that Montenegrin Journal of Economics has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of ScienceTM. Content in this index is under consideration by Thomson Reuters to be accepted in the Science Citation Index ExpandedTM, the Cosial Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. The quality and depth of content Web of Science Offers to researchers, authors, publishers, and institutions sets it apart from other research databases. The inclusion of Montenegrin Journal of Economics in the Emerging Sources Citation Index demonstrates our dedication to providing the most relevant and influential economics content to our community.

Editorial board
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Current issue & Subscription
Publisher: Economic Laboratory for Transition Research / "ELIT - ekonomska laboratorija za istraživanje tranzicije"
Editorial address: Podgorica, Dž. Vašingtona 4/5
The journal is published four times a year
Print edition: ISSN 1800-5845
Web edition: ISSN 1800-6698
Print: 150 copies
Bank account: 510-21341-37, Crnogorska komercijalna banka, Podgorica
Decision of the Ministry of Culture and the Media No 05-962/2 of May 23, 2005 "Montenegrin Journal of Economics" was registered to the records media under the number 560
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take from submission to publication?
If your article is accepted, it then takes an average of six to nine months before it is published.
What is the scope of Montenegrin Journal of Economics?
Theoretical, empirical and applicative articles from all the areas of Economics. Traditional novel research articles. Reviews or surveys of new or evolving fields aimed at increasing others’ understanding of these emerging topics.
How do I submit my article?
Submit the article to the mail: vesodraskovic@gmail.com.
What is the criterion for an article to be accepted for publication in Montenegrin Journal of Economics?
The submitted article has not been published earlier and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The article needs to be written according to the guidelines for authors.
Which format do I use when submitting to Montenegrin Journal of Economics?
All files should be submitted as a Word document, A4 format, Franklin Gothic Book, font size 11 pt. Articles should be between 4000-5000 words in length (max. 32.000 characters with spaces). For long articles, compliance of editor-in-chief is required. Pictures, graphics and other attachments should be marked and sent as separate files, or in text, and must not exceed the journal format with margins. It is strongly recommended to send articles in the English language.
When will you contact me/respond to article submission?
We have a large number of submitted articles. We try to respond to submissions and inquiries as soon as possible. It should not take more than one week.
Does Montenegrin Journal of Economics have an impact factor? Is it indexed?
Yes. You can see the full Indexed list.
Team Contacts
Contact Us
Bulevar Džordža Vašingtona 4/5, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro